December 16, 2007

I'm Legend

Last Thursday, I have a plan for went to relative’s home and stay 2 night days for reading a book for prepare mid-term examination. I have a World civilization examination on Friday. Ake came to receive me at my home for went to his home. I was reading a book all day, very boring. I hate examine and I think that examine can’t check knowledge of each person but learn for add skill and knowledge for work. Ake manage me to reading a book while he playing game in laptop. Not fair. I read, read, sleep, ate, read, read, and read all day. I feel envy him and want to study finished.

Last Friday, I feel worry about examine. I fear that I can’t pass examine. Ake came to receive me at my relative’s home for went to university. He was glad and very charming. After I examine finished, I feel worry again because I know that I write answer not well and confuse. Now, I can’t repair it, so I must not worry about it. I and Ake went to Central department store for watching a movie (I am legend). Before went to watching a movie, we has a lunch at Thasiam restaurant. This restaurant is very bad, bad service, food not delicious and high price. I feel very bad. After that, we went to watching a movie. Star was Will Smith. In this movie he was Robert Nevill, scientist and soldier. This movie about spread out of virus by air which this virus created by human and can’t treat, everybody gets virus and development to Dark seeker. Nevill was last human of survivor in New York City. Everyday, he tried to broadcast in radio wave but not contact from other survivors. Three years ago, he was hopeless for found other survivor but he not alone, he stay with dark seeker which hide in shadow dark. It keeps an eye on him and wait for he miss. He tried to way for treat from his immunity blood. He have a little time for repair it. This movie is very interesting and I will not tell the entire story because I want to you for watching. After me watching finished. I think that every effect give rise from human.

Yesterday, I and my mother went to Ram-in-tra for talk with customer who wants to buy my land. During the way, very traffic jams because today is previous Election Day for accommodate to somebody who had a business in Election Day. In normal, from my home to Ram-in-tra use a time 1 hour but today I use 2 hours. Their shows that today have many people went to previous election. We reach at customer’s home in the afternoon. We talk about price of land and method for payment and have an appointment at Department of lands for transfer ownership in the next Monday. After we talk finished, I and my mother come back to home by taxi. I feel very hungry because I woke up late and didn’t have a breakfast, I hurry to come back to my home in the morning and not have a time for break. And I have a breakfast in 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Today is not bad because we can sale my land and got a lot of benefit.

December 9, 2007

Go go go...

Yesterday, I have 2 subjects in the afternoon and evening. Ake came to receive me at my home in the morning. We have an appointment with Pound and Name for have a lunch at Priow-Pahk near university. First time, we have a plan for went to waterfall at Nakornnayok province or amusement park at Rungsit province, I want to travel and studied too, but I didn’t do in unison. Lucky for me, today the teacher cancel all class, I feel relieved and went to there by contented. We set out on a trip in 13 p.m. and my trip have Sun add too. We (me, Ake, Pound, Name and Sun) decided to go to waterfall. We use Ake’s car only because Ake’s car use LPG Gas which saving than Bensin95. We reached at Nakornnayok province in 15 p.m. and break the journey at petrol station for bought some snacks and went to restroom. At waterfall have a little shop and restroom not well. We parked a car at front of park and walk into 500metre to waterfall. Today have many tourists because today is weekend. We paid a ticket each 20baht, fact adult 40baht and children 20baht but we are student. We bought some food for lunch at waterfall too. We started walk from front of park which have a sidewalk by the way cut through mountain. During the way around the forest, high steps. Finally we walk to there finished, we found waterfall name Sarika. We can saw top of waterfall to be a small point. We didn’t up to top of waterfall because near the evening. We walk to rock for find place for have a lunch. After we have a lunch finished, we walk to rock for take a photo. I want to walk into stream but I can’t walk into it because moss on the rock. We take a snack for feed a fish into stream, a lot of fish. In 17p.m. we leave there and reach to Bangkok in 18.20 p.m. We have a dinner at ducki suki near university again. After that we separate way for went to home. Today, I feel very fun and happy very much; I hope that I will visit there again.

December 7, 2007

The king's birthday

Last Wednesday was birthday of the king. Every year has celebration of the king’s birthday. The king will tell advice to government and people about a problem of country like as economy, war, unity, flood-waters and a lot of. He is worry about every problem which effect to people and country. He works hard all the time although he is 80 years old and sick. In hospital, while other patient get treat and sleep all the day, He will get treat and work in the bed together. I believe that he is the best of the king. People love him and proud to born in Thailand like as me. People will show love to him by wear yellow shirt and make celebration of the king’s birthday. Celebration has many days since 3 to 9 December. Near my home has adorned with banners and install lanterns very bright over the country. Somewhere has beautiful firework but my home can’t see because new building obstruct it. I feel regret, I didn’t went to celebration but I follow after news by watching a television at my home.

December 2, 2007

To watching

Last Monday, I watched a television at night. I found that have an interesting list of television. That is illusion. Have many shows like as made disappears a big elephant, buoyed up from land, make pea change to beetle and etc. When I was a young, I feel doubt every time when I look illusion. I ever been to found fault with illusion but I can’t. I think that if we find fault with illusion, we hasn’t fun. I know the popular world of magician, David Copperfield. He has skilful of magic when he’s eleven years old. He studied a lot of magic. He shows every stage, every party at his university. He gives a name, The Magic Man. He has much ability like as made disappears molded figure, walk pierce into gigantic and strong of China. Good magician can’t be easy but have discipline and diligent.

Last Thursday, I have one subject at the afternoon. After I finished my class, I and Ake went to Central department store. We went to there often because it’s near my house. We have a plan for watch a movie (Pong-Lahng-Sa-Ding). It’s about the old cinema which owner is the old uncle and grandson. Starting point of cinema is group of friend of uncle want to build a cinema for show a movie which they build up but they died before were. Uncle wants to keep this cinema although not have customer and money for hire officer and pay anything. Last hope is grandson but he wanted to sell this cinema to agent for build new cinema. The cinema was cut electricity because they not have money for pay although they money together. Besides that they have ghosts to haunt. Grandson has a friend (Beam) who is taxi driver. Beam gave money to them for paid electricity bill. Grandson invite a Buddhist for exorcise, but they can’t. Although they can pay bill but not have a customer for safe the cinema. Beam introduce grandson that one has to help oneself and you should do dexterous. Grandson think that thing make them happy. It’s singing together. Grandson has a plan for show singing and show a movie together, but when they practice. They have a problem, they can’t rhythm. Beam introduce grandson that if key deviating and can’t improve, you should sing deviating too. Grandson feel deeply impressed to Beam. Everything looks better. The day, grandson know chance that Beam was died three month ago and Beam didn’t know he was dead, he still think he was alive. He was dead because he was killed by robber. Beam had a girlfriend, she was beautiful lady. Beam still love her although he was dead. He didn’t meet her because he had problem together. So they were broken and so he fear who met her, but they were feel love together. After Beam dead she misses him very much. She work in business about building, her boss wants to buy at old cinema. She didn’t like to her job, she was quit. Grandson helps Beam to contact her. Both negotiate for mutual understanding. Finally, Grandson shows a singing with dancer on stage and full customer was satisfied. The cinema has lively again. I think that this movie teach me about one has to help oneself and relationship between family, friend and worker. If have a problem and help each other, the problem can pass. Important is spirit.

November 24, 2007

loi Krathong Festival

Last Friday, I went to barber shop near my home. I want to change new look. Two hours ago, I get real new look, but I think that my head is mushroom. I didn’t like new style, I want to return, but I can’t. Ake laughing me all the time and mimic me “head of mushroom”. I feel bad but I can’t repair it. I feel not confident. In the afternoon, we have a lunch at Ducki Suki near university. This restaurant as same as MK restaurant but food is fresh more, low cost and delicious more. It’s very good for student.

Today is Loi Krathong Day of Thailand. Loi Krathong” is traditionally performed on the full moon night of the twelfth lunar month, which usually falls on some day in November. Materials for make Krathong is various part of banana tree, banana leaf and bole of banana. Why did use other materials outside banana tree? “Because other some materials can’t float on the water and some material difficultly digested which effect to environment.” The present has popular material, a cone of ice-cream and bread. The government tried to persuade people to use natural material instead of foam. Believe that the floating Krathong for apologies to Khongkha, the River Goddess. Some people believe that the floating Krathong for avert a catastrophe by magic power by cut a some of hairs and nail put in Krathong. We can the floating Krathong at rivers, canals or sources of water. Some place has Krathong contest, Naang-Nop-Pa-Mard contest (a women wear Thailand dress) and boat-racing.

My home is near the river (Chao-Phya River) and Rama8 Bridge. Every year many people come there for the floating Krathong, it is cause traffic-jam. At Rama8 Bridge has festivity and concert. I ever been to went there when year ago. I can remember atmosphere, a lot of people, food shops and Krathong shops. Krathong has low to high cost and small to big size. Be careful gangsters to pickpocket when you’re careless. At the edge of river has a group boy swimming in the river for take a coin in your Krathong. At midnight has a lot of beautiful firework.
This year I didn’t the floating Krathong because my boy friend had sick and treat at the hospital. Although I didn’t went there, but I not feel sorry for the miss. I want to look after him more over. First time, we have a plan for go to his old school. At his old school has party for this festival and meeting old friend. Today I look after him since 10A.M. to 18P.M. Ake sleep all the day and not talk with me, I feel very pity. During keep vigil over a sick person, I and his mother driving a car for went to BigC department store. I feel very exciting because I driving not well, but I have a driving license. We bought some sweet for Ake and lunch. At hospital not have a food for buy and not delicious. Food is very tasteless. All day, I watching television for waiting Ake wake up for take a medicine, eating and went to restroom. I feel happy for take care him.

November 16, 2007

Good and bad

Yesterday, I have English class in the afternoon. In my class, I receive paper sheet. It’s not good, I got grade WP again. I ever been to got grade WP when I have oral test when last Monday. I feel very sad. Next time, I will try more and more. After that I have ethic and business class. In this class must wear full uniform of university, but I forgot black shoes. I haven’t black shoes and if you don’t wear full uniform, you can’t to entry this class. I borrowed friend’s shoes. I am very lucky. I and my friend have a same size. This subject teaches about moral, responsibility and more. Every semester student must study this subject before mid-term and after mid-term. After class finished, I persuade Pound for dinner together but Pound busy. Ake persuade me for have a dinner at restaurant near Town in town (Town in town has many restaurant all the foot-part of road), but we go and round a car for looking for restaurant. We can’t found good restaurant, so we come back to old way for dinner at restaurant near my house. At night, I played a game (The Sims) and chat MSN with my friend. Then, I receive a file from my old friend, but it’s not file from my friend. It is virus. My computer got virus because I think that my old friend send a picture to me. Oh my god!!! This virus will send itself for everybody which online MSN. My computer are slow, I tried to download anti-virus which my friend introduce me, but not better. Now, my computer have virus. Maybe, I will format my computer, very bad.

Today, I haven’t class. I went to university with Ake. I’m waiting him. Ake have a class in the afternoon. I use a free time for played laptop in library. After Ake finished class, we went to The Mall department store for lunch and watching a movie. We watch The Game Plan; it’s about relation between father and daughter. Joe Kingman is father and sport man (rugby football). He ever been too married and divorced with Sarah. He never knew that he has a daughter. Eight years ago, his daughter rings a bell at front house. First time, Joe not believed that he has a daughter, but she has look alike him very much. Preston (daughter) told Joe that Sarah went to Africa for work and can’t take her together, so Preston will stayed at Joe’s house one month. Joe must to make a good image because he is a presenter for Hamburger Shop and if, he have bad image, he will lose profit. During one month, Joe and Preston has a good and bad relation. They learn about each of life-style. One day, true story open that Sarah didn’t take Preston to Joe, she died since six months ago. Preston lives with her aunt and her escape ballet course for find Joe. Finally, Preston comes back to home, but Joe didn’t accept. Joe wants to take her at his home and look after. The last, Joe got Preston because aunt and Preston believe that Joe true love Preston. I think that this movie is smooth and good movie, I like it very much. This movie teaches me about relation between father, daughter and live together. This is the best movie in one year.

November 11, 2007

Temple fair

Last Thursday, I and Ake have a presentation chapter1 in English class. I read a Presume Innocent all day and all night, I want to die. I find a meaning of almost words but I can’t understand it. In English2, I think that Limitation is very difficult. And in English3, Presume Innocent is a difficult than it. However, I must try to do it. When we presentation finished, I feel relieved. After class finished, I went to C building for add new subjects. I have an appointment with Ake, Puk and Fai for have a lunch at Chabu-Chi restaurant. We enjoin to eat very much. After we finished, we separate way. Then I and Ake watched a movie (Aok 3 Sork 2 Kum-pun), it’s about fighting and Thai boxing. After movie finished, we went to Ake’s house for get his father and mother for went to Phra-Pha-Thom-Ja-dee fair (temple fair). At fair has many games for prize like as play dart, Ferris wheel, merrygo-around and etc. This fair has operated 12 days.

November 7, 2007

Good week

Last Saturday, I and Ling (my cousin) went to Central department store for ask information about printer and talking-dictionary. We have a plan for compare a price between department store and Sirikit Hall. Every for month, Sirikit Hall has IT fair, so it has many IT product discount here and has many promotion. My Old printer was broken and my sister wants to use for her reports. She studied architecture at Chulalongkorn University, so printer was necessary. Like as me, I think that talking-dictionary was necessary for studied at this university. We reached at 13.30 P.M. and ask information 2 hours. I think that it’s very difficult for me because shop has a lot of batch. Each of batches has many quality and different price. Now, technology is a very fast, many company tried to up date a products for reply, you can’t run after it.
After that, we have a lunch at Fuji restaurant. I like to eat Japanese foods very much.We get out from department store and went to Sirikit Hall. We take a taxi for went but very traffic jam, so we went down from taxi for take a subway. I feel exiting every time when I take a rail. At Sirikit Hall have a lot of people and many companies for sale IT products. We congest in crowded for find shops, have a little air for me. I feel headache and I hate a crowd. I don’t like it and sure, the next time I not to go there. Finally, I decided for bought it. I don’t sure that my sister like it same me.

Last Tuesday. I have a morning class. I prepare to presentation Presume Innocent chapter1 all night. I feel sleepy in class but I must try to study. After first class, I went to study English class. I feel glad when I know that today not present. I’m lucky. We watch a Presume Innocent movie instead. After class, I, Ake, Pound, Jung and Ann have a lunch at Nai-Ngauk restaurant. I feel hungry very much. I order many foods for our, but not somebody join with me. At this restaurant has a Ka-Nom-Jean (vermicelli eaten with a pepper curry or sauce) and Guay-Teow-Reua (noodle). Someday this restaurant has a Ka-Nom-Too-ei (a custard sweetmeat steamed in a small porcelain cup). I like to go there very much.

Today, I have a morning class but I wake up late. I go to university by taxi. After class, I have half of hour for lunch. I have a lunch with Nan. At food shop has much customer and late serve. We wait a long time, so we entry to next class late. This class is English for Lawyer. We dictation and watch a movie (Boston Legal) and answer a question in class. After class, we separate way. I have half of hour for break again. The next class is World Civilization. I studied two times per week for this subject. First time, I don’t like to study but now, I feel like it because teacher is a very kind and funny. I feel happy every time for this class.

November 2, 2007

Bang-saen, Chonburi province

Today, I woke up at 6 A.M.. I have an appointment with Nic and Jian for accompany at 7 A.M. but today is very traffic jam. I met Nic and Jian at 8 A.M I hate traffic jam so much. Today I reach to university at 8.40 A.M. I have an appointment with Ake at 8 A.M. at university. We have a plan for go to Bangsaen but I’m so very late. Bang-saen can go very easy, about 50 minutes from Bangkok to Chonburi. Although Bangsaen is not beautiful like other but it is famous for who desire to rest and not have a long time. I love sea and always go to sea, when I have a free time or on vacation. We reach to Bangsaen at 9.30 A.M. We have a breakfast at Khow-Sahm-Muk. During a way, we see a monkeys lie down on a road. I ever been there since I am a children. I have a big meal at Thip-Pra-Mong restaurant. We order seafood such as fried rice with crab, roast shells, fried cuttlefish with garlic and peper and fired fish with sauce. It’s very delicious and fresh. This place on curved of mountain can see a sea. After we finished we sit on the seaside. Today the sky is very clear and blue. The weather is so good. Sound of ripple is like music. Have a little tourist. I feel regret that the sand not white. We sleep on canvas bed about 2 hours. We saw others tourist, they play banana boat on the sea look very fuuny. I ever been to play but I don’t like to play it because I can’t swim very well. I don’t like to splash. I don’t like sea water because it makes my eyes irritate. I like to walk coast and build sand castle. I like to bury myself in sand. After we woke up. We have a lunch and dinner at seaside. Then, we finished, we take a photo together. In the evening, the sun set is a best view and romantic. We stayed at seaside till early in the evening. We come back to home at 18.30 P.M. During a way back, we lost. So we guess a way back by look a guidepost. Finally I reach at my home at 20.00 P.M. Today, I feel very happy and I will go to there again.

November 1, 2007

New semester

Last weekend, I stayed at my home all days to help my mother. In the morning, I woke up 11 A.M. and had breakfast alone at downstairs . Then I watch a DVD/VCD movies. At my home we have a private business. Every day I had to help my mother for look after rental homes. I think that it isn’t easy for me. This business is very busy, hard and there are many problems but good profits. I didn’t go anywhere on this vacation. Today I didn't do anywhere because I'm headache and sleep all day but, tomorrow I have a plan for go to Bang-Sean with Ake. Tomorrow I hope that I will see sea, white sand and blue sky. I like to eat seafood very much.

September 8, 2007


Today, I have three subjects. Every hours pass very slow. Before I finish all of class. I skip in last subject this is a law class it very boring for me very much. I and Bank go to RCA for sing a song with Pump Ake Pound. We sing at BSC Bowl karaoke three hours. I think that we sing a song often not have a new song for me. After that we go to DONABE RESTAURANT for dinner. This restaurant have shabu and suki. There is Korea style food. We can choose shabu or suki. We choose suki today. Both of them are different cooking. At first we get one meat dish and one mix vegetable dish. Chabu make by add soup before meat or poke, vegetable and other. And Suki make by add vegetable before add soup and meat. Soup of suki is thick before shabu. Before I come there I disappoint with dinner. Because I think I will get many thing more than this. Such as cuttlefish fish like sea food but I have only meat and vegetable. After that we have finish dinner. We go to cinema for watch a movie at MAJOR HOLLYWOOD. We plan for watch on 7 pm But we cannot follow it because traffic jam between moving so missing it. We reach MAJOR HOLLYWOOD on 8 pm. So we don’t see a movie. And I come back home latter.This is my boring day.

September 3, 2007

Central world

Today, I have one subject in the morning. Then I have appointment with Ake for go to Central world. Before we go there, we have a lunch at Nai-Ngauk. I like this restaurant very much. After that I go to Central world for watch a movie. I have been there since it was changed its name to Central world. This Department store have tourist for visited. It is very popular and traffic jam very. I have ticket for movie on 15 P.M., we watch Kon-Hiew-Hua. This movie is about love from farther to his son. I will summary. At first father promise his son about that he will find some money for his son on son’s birthday. He’ll never die. But he can’t find some money. He decided to be a robber. He robs some money from rich woman. While he robs, he met another robber and co-operate with them. And then between portions he has conflict with his partner. He was killed. But the promise with his son is make him alive. He tries to do everything to get the money for his son. At last he can do it and he die later. After that we have a dinner at Fuji restaurant. I am not understands that every time when I came there. I must eat Fuji.

September 1, 2007

Different restaurants

Today, I go to have lunch at Nai-Ngauk with Ake, Pum, Pound, Pak, Fai, Bank. The food is very delicious such as Khanom-Jean ( vermicelli eaten with a pepper curry or sauce ), noodle, spahgetti, Kung-Ka-Buang ( shrimp fried with flour and buay sauce ), chicken fried, Kha-Nom-Too-Ei ( coconut cream in a little cup ). I like it very much. After that we finished. We drive back to university, then Pak and Fai go separate way to come back home and next we go to Korea restaurant near university for drink alcohol of Korea ( Soju ). We sit there for hour. After that, we go to Dream Pub and restaurant near university. We have drink 3 bottle of vodka at 5 P.M. to 8 P.M., but I don’t drink anything. I choose barakhu apple flavor. When you smoke, you feel slightly intoxicated, very good. It is aroma-atheraphy. After 2 bottle past Pum drunk and he drink it again and again. Finally, Pum drunk very much and he can’t control himself. Ake and Pound take him for go to Bank’s dormitory at Abac condo. Pum sleep at Bank room until in the morning. And I come back home with Ake. I feel very funny.

August 29, 2007

Go to temple

Today, I have one subject in the morning. I feel very lazy. After, I finished my class. I have appointment with Ake for make a merit at Sarn-Jow-Por-Sur-ah and Wat-Thip-Wa-Ree. I think that we unlucky because last week we have car accident, so we will go to make a merit. We park a car very difficult. Half an hour ago, we get parking at The old siam near my old school. This area make me feel like I come home again. First, we go Wat-Thip-Wa-Ree, opposite The old siam. I like this place because this temple is quiet and peace. After that we take a motor-tricycle for go to Sarn-Jow-Por-Sur-ah. After that, we have lunch during the way for walk back our car. Finally, I hope our bad luck will go away and never come back again.

August 27, 2007

Chainese ceremony

Today,I have a class at 11 P.M.-12.30 P.M. Before I go to university, I must help my mother for manage food for the Chinese sacrificial ceremony for the ancestors. Food for this ceremony have many kinds such as duck, chicken, fish, pig,pink eggs, 7 kinds of fruits, dessert, alcohol and etc. We bought its yesterday for prepare and cooking in the morning of ceremony. This is chinese ceremony that I saw when I'm a children. After ceremony, these food will distribute for neighbor or relative and who come in ceremony. It is believed that if eat these food will progress in life. I understand that every ceremony will make up for show grateful to ancestor but I think that not good idea foe show greatful to picture. I think that we will show greatful now before he died.

August 24, 2007

First time

Today, I wake up very late because I sleep late at night. In the morning I miss in first class and second subject I have oral test with A. Jasper. I feel exciting very much. After that I go to RCA for play bowling with Nas, Pound, Pum, Ake, Bank, Jib and Sun. This first time for come here. Ake, Sun, Jib and me play bowling 2 games and other people sing a song in karaoke room. After we play bowling finished, we sing a song for 2 hours, I’m very fun. I like sing a song very much. We leave there at 19P.M. We move to The mall department store for dinner. We eat Shabushi, it has many kind of food such as Sushi, Shabu and ice-cream. After that we seperate ways for come back to home. I go along together with Ake, I think that today is very tried. I want to go home for sleep. On the way, after we go out about 10 minutes, my car crashed by ten-wheeled truck. This is first time again for me. Ake call Pum and Pound, We manage a problem at 21P.M. to 22P.M. I feel scared a little. We can't get hurt for this situation, it's lucky for life but car broke all right side. I feel sorry with Ake. But I think that this is new experience for me, this is a joke for my life. In future I will meet more big problem. Life marched go on.

August 22, 2007

I like it!!!

Today, I go to Lotus department store after I study finished. I had ever came here before. I go to there with Pump, Pound, Ake, Puk and Fai. We eat Japanese food at Fuji restaurant before watch a cinema. We choose 200 pounds of beauty, it's about woman who has a talent in sing a song but she is very fat and ugly. She sing a song instead woman singer on the back side of stage and she is a sexphone girl. She fall in love with producer, handsome man. She thinks that producer like her too but he didn't. He fake for deceived her to work for him. One day, she know that she deceived from a man. She thinks to sudcide but it is not success because the telephone is ringing. After that she decided for operate plastic surgery. One year later, she come back for contest in back side singer again but now she has a perfect girl, very pretty and sweet-sounding. Everybody like her very much include producer too. Old singer feel angry, she is a very sexy but she can't sing a song. She tries to reveal a secret. Finally, everybody know that she is a woman who has a 200 pounds not sexy girl. She confesses on her first time concert. Everybody understand her and forgive her. Finally, Producer falls in love with her.
After I watched, I think I want to operate plastic surgery like her. It's a good idea? I like this movie very much.

August 19, 2007


Today, I have a free time all day. In the morning, I go to temple for make merit with my parent. I feel sleepy very much because last night I sleep at 04 A.M. In the afternoon I go to Central with Ake. I drive Ake's car. Since I have driver licence, this is my forth times that i drive the car. I feel excite very much. However We reach at central safety. We watch Rush hour3 in 14P.M. Then, we go have lunch at The Pizza. This is a first time during 2 years for eat pizza. I think pizza makes me chubby, I always careful about eating because I'm easier fat than other people. After that we go to sing a song at Major Karaoke. Finally, today I feel happy very much. Thank you Ake.

August 15, 2007

Watch a movie again.

Today, I have one subject. After my class is finish. I go to The mall department store with Pound, Ake, Pun. We have seperates two cars. We reach The mall at 13.30 P.M. We have a lunch at Chester grill. Then we go to a cinema. We watch Borne, action movie. We watch finish at 16 P.M. After that we go to buy a Ake’s wallet. So now, The mall department store has 20% discount.I think that The mall department store always discount all year because it persuades customer to buy items. Finally, Ake chooses Jacob wallet. And then, we come back to home.

August 13, 2007

Not good

Today, I go to Floating market with my family. In the morning, my mother persuade me, my brother and my sister for travel. I feel surprise very much because this first time in two years that my mother take me for travel. It’s a good time, I like this time. We reach a market at 12.30 P.M. We walk around market and we meet neighbour by accident. After that we go to Changlek temple for foretell fortune. Monk is a prophet. He foretell that not good in future, maybe will accident or bad things. I think that it not lucky for me for listen bad story in good day. I’m not serious about prophecy. I think that I have a life by not careless. Then we come back to market again. We have a lunch on ship, look a fish, boat, lifestyle of people. Finally, we shop fresh fruit, dessert, coconut and any more. Today I have a happy very much except prochecy.

August 12, 2007

Walk Day

Today, I go to Siam Square with Ake and Preaw. Ake wants to buy gift for Mother’s Day. First, we have lunch at Mk restaurant, Suki. Then Preaw separates way for go to meet her mother at book center. We go to Loft shop to find a gift for his mum but Loft shop doesn’t have anything that make him delight. Then, we go to Mabunkrong. We walk around half an hour but do not buy anything. At Mabunkrong I meet senior of law faculty by accident. After that we go back Siam Paragon again. Ake buys gift at here, bear with jasmine in flowerpot. Then we go to eat ice-cream at Ice-monster. Finally, around 18 P.M. we separate ways again to go home

August 11, 2007

Funny Day

Today, I go to The mall Department store for watch a movie, Kurat, with Pound, Ake, Pump, Bank, Aui, Bee. We have a meet at 14 P.M. We have separate two cars for go to The mall. We have lunch at Hajibung restaurant. After that, we go to the cinema. Kurat story is about one queer ( witness ) and one man ( police in Japan ) escape murderer because queer is witness, who saw murderer killed her friend. However, witness fall in love police but police don’t like queer. Police fall in love with police woman, who work with him. Then, queer decided to be friend with policeman and woman. Next, Witness see murderer in television in beauty contest. They follow murderer for obstruct in explosion place because murderer hate homosexual. In the end, police can kill murderer and queer can obstruct explode. Queer get married with underling of murderer, happy ending. Finally, we separate group again, Bee and Aui go to the class. We go to the ground near Shamitivet hospital for play soccer. I stay overnight at Bank’s dormitory.

August 7, 2007

Happy Day~~

Today, my law classes are cancel, because today is Rapee Day. I go to auditorium for look show imitate court, which showed by student of faculty. Story about two hermaphrodite raped a man in her room, and take a video. Judge has judgement that hermaphrodite get jail.
After that I go to The mall for watch a cinema with Pound, Ake, Pump. We go to eat Japanese food at Fuji restaurant, sing a song in karaoke box, then we go to cinema at 16.50P.M. We watch Turitas, about haorrow. It’s bad for me. It makes me nauseated. After that, I must to wait my brother to take me home. So I stay at the restaurant for waiting about one hour. It’s boring very much.

August 6, 2007

First week...

I started to study at Tuesday, after mid-term examination. I had a three subjects for this day. I woked up late, but today was not traffic-jam. It's good luck for me, when I sat on a room only haft an hour, the teacher taught finished. It was a good luck for me again. I have lunch with my group at Mcdonald. Every thesday, we have lunch there. Then the last subject was cancle. And it was third times lucky
Therefore, today was my lucky day.

On wednesday, I had only one subject, in the morning. I don't like to went to study for one subject because I felt it made waste fare to me. After I studied finished, I went to The mall department store. I went with Bo, we looked for new shoes. Bo want to bought new shoes instead old broke shoes. We walked around but she don't like its. So her persauded me to went to at front on Ramkumhang university.
This place was very popular for teenage to bought the dresses. We walked around two hours, she liked green shoes at shop near Hollywood cinema. After that I want to bought perfume. I went to The mall again for bought it, I choose Curious Britney Spears. It smell consist of several flowers such as Louisiana Magnolia, Jasmine. Then we went to dinner at chinese food shop, that I had walked pass there many times.Fiinally we were enjoned it very much.

On thursday, this day I had three subjects. After I studied finished at 19.00 P.M.I get one call from my old friend. She persuaded me for birthday party in tomorrow. I felt bad because I forgot. I promise her that I will went there sure. Then I have a conference at Satorn with my colleague. I met about direct business. I started this business for pocket money. I think that I’m so young but I will try to earn money for future. This generation have high competed. If I slower than other person, I will lose. I finished at 21.30 P.M., I felt very tried.

On friday, I had only one subject in the morning. After that I went to my friend’s house in the evening. At party, I met many old friend, I give a gift to her. This party was buffet, her mother had skillful cooking. When I studied at old school, I went to her house often for brunch. We played game, sing a song, play cards and blow birthday cake. Tonight we stayed overnight at her house about 5 persons.The room looked small when we were all. I felt great for this party, I met my old friend, ate delicious foods and have good activitys. So We talked all night.

On saturday, I didn’t go to university, I went to Satorn for conference with my colleague again. I finished at 17.00 P.M. I felt very tried

August 2, 2007

hello, My name is Woraporn, My nickname is Linn. This is first time to make up my blog. I will update one time/week. Googluck!!!...see u.