December 7, 2007

The king's birthday

Last Wednesday was birthday of the king. Every year has celebration of the king’s birthday. The king will tell advice to government and people about a problem of country like as economy, war, unity, flood-waters and a lot of. He is worry about every problem which effect to people and country. He works hard all the time although he is 80 years old and sick. In hospital, while other patient get treat and sleep all the day, He will get treat and work in the bed together. I believe that he is the best of the king. People love him and proud to born in Thailand like as me. People will show love to him by wear yellow shirt and make celebration of the king’s birthday. Celebration has many days since 3 to 9 December. Near my home has adorned with banners and install lanterns very bright over the country. Somewhere has beautiful firework but my home can’t see because new building obstruct it. I feel regret, I didn’t went to celebration but I follow after news by watching a television at my home.

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