November 7, 2007

Good week

Last Saturday, I and Ling (my cousin) went to Central department store for ask information about printer and talking-dictionary. We have a plan for compare a price between department store and Sirikit Hall. Every for month, Sirikit Hall has IT fair, so it has many IT product discount here and has many promotion. My Old printer was broken and my sister wants to use for her reports. She studied architecture at Chulalongkorn University, so printer was necessary. Like as me, I think that talking-dictionary was necessary for studied at this university. We reached at 13.30 P.M. and ask information 2 hours. I think that it’s very difficult for me because shop has a lot of batch. Each of batches has many quality and different price. Now, technology is a very fast, many company tried to up date a products for reply, you can’t run after it.
After that, we have a lunch at Fuji restaurant. I like to eat Japanese foods very much.We get out from department store and went to Sirikit Hall. We take a taxi for went but very traffic jam, so we went down from taxi for take a subway. I feel exiting every time when I take a rail. At Sirikit Hall have a lot of people and many companies for sale IT products. We congest in crowded for find shops, have a little air for me. I feel headache and I hate a crowd. I don’t like it and sure, the next time I not to go there. Finally, I decided for bought it. I don’t sure that my sister like it same me.

Last Tuesday. I have a morning class. I prepare to presentation Presume Innocent chapter1 all night. I feel sleepy in class but I must try to study. After first class, I went to study English class. I feel glad when I know that today not present. I’m lucky. We watch a Presume Innocent movie instead. After class, I, Ake, Pound, Jung and Ann have a lunch at Nai-Ngauk restaurant. I feel hungry very much. I order many foods for our, but not somebody join with me. At this restaurant has a Ka-Nom-Jean (vermicelli eaten with a pepper curry or sauce) and Guay-Teow-Reua (noodle). Someday this restaurant has a Ka-Nom-Too-ei (a custard sweetmeat steamed in a small porcelain cup). I like to go there very much.

Today, I have a morning class but I wake up late. I go to university by taxi. After class, I have half of hour for lunch. I have a lunch with Nan. At food shop has much customer and late serve. We wait a long time, so we entry to next class late. This class is English for Lawyer. We dictation and watch a movie (Boston Legal) and answer a question in class. After class, we separate way. I have half of hour for break again. The next class is World Civilization. I studied two times per week for this subject. First time, I don’t like to study but now, I feel like it because teacher is a very kind and funny. I feel happy every time for this class.