November 24, 2007

loi Krathong Festival

Last Friday, I went to barber shop near my home. I want to change new look. Two hours ago, I get real new look, but I think that my head is mushroom. I didn’t like new style, I want to return, but I can’t. Ake laughing me all the time and mimic me “head of mushroom”. I feel bad but I can’t repair it. I feel not confident. In the afternoon, we have a lunch at Ducki Suki near university. This restaurant as same as MK restaurant but food is fresh more, low cost and delicious more. It’s very good for student.

Today is Loi Krathong Day of Thailand. Loi Krathong” is traditionally performed on the full moon night of the twelfth lunar month, which usually falls on some day in November. Materials for make Krathong is various part of banana tree, banana leaf and bole of banana. Why did use other materials outside banana tree? “Because other some materials can’t float on the water and some material difficultly digested which effect to environment.” The present has popular material, a cone of ice-cream and bread. The government tried to persuade people to use natural material instead of foam. Believe that the floating Krathong for apologies to Khongkha, the River Goddess. Some people believe that the floating Krathong for avert a catastrophe by magic power by cut a some of hairs and nail put in Krathong. We can the floating Krathong at rivers, canals or sources of water. Some place has Krathong contest, Naang-Nop-Pa-Mard contest (a women wear Thailand dress) and boat-racing.

My home is near the river (Chao-Phya River) and Rama8 Bridge. Every year many people come there for the floating Krathong, it is cause traffic-jam. At Rama8 Bridge has festivity and concert. I ever been to went there when year ago. I can remember atmosphere, a lot of people, food shops and Krathong shops. Krathong has low to high cost and small to big size. Be careful gangsters to pickpocket when you’re careless. At the edge of river has a group boy swimming in the river for take a coin in your Krathong. At midnight has a lot of beautiful firework.
This year I didn’t the floating Krathong because my boy friend had sick and treat at the hospital. Although I didn’t went there, but I not feel sorry for the miss. I want to look after him more over. First time, we have a plan for go to his old school. At his old school has party for this festival and meeting old friend. Today I look after him since 10A.M. to 18P.M. Ake sleep all the day and not talk with me, I feel very pity. During keep vigil over a sick person, I and his mother driving a car for went to BigC department store. I feel very exciting because I driving not well, but I have a driving license. We bought some sweet for Ake and lunch. At hospital not have a food for buy and not delicious. Food is very tasteless. All day, I watching television for waiting Ake wake up for take a medicine, eating and went to restroom. I feel happy for take care him.