September 3, 2007

Central world

Today, I have one subject in the morning. Then I have appointment with Ake for go to Central world. Before we go there, we have a lunch at Nai-Ngauk. I like this restaurant very much. After that I go to Central world for watch a movie. I have been there since it was changed its name to Central world. This Department store have tourist for visited. It is very popular and traffic jam very. I have ticket for movie on 15 P.M., we watch Kon-Hiew-Hua. This movie is about love from farther to his son. I will summary. At first father promise his son about that he will find some money for his son on son’s birthday. He’ll never die. But he can’t find some money. He decided to be a robber. He robs some money from rich woman. While he robs, he met another robber and co-operate with them. And then between portions he has conflict with his partner. He was killed. But the promise with his son is make him alive. He tries to do everything to get the money for his son. At last he can do it and he die later. After that we have a dinner at Fuji restaurant. I am not understands that every time when I came there. I must eat Fuji.

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