December 16, 2007

I'm Legend

Last Thursday, I have a plan for went to relative’s home and stay 2 night days for reading a book for prepare mid-term examination. I have a World civilization examination on Friday. Ake came to receive me at my home for went to his home. I was reading a book all day, very boring. I hate examine and I think that examine can’t check knowledge of each person but learn for add skill and knowledge for work. Ake manage me to reading a book while he playing game in laptop. Not fair. I read, read, sleep, ate, read, read, and read all day. I feel envy him and want to study finished.

Last Friday, I feel worry about examine. I fear that I can’t pass examine. Ake came to receive me at my relative’s home for went to university. He was glad and very charming. After I examine finished, I feel worry again because I know that I write answer not well and confuse. Now, I can’t repair it, so I must not worry about it. I and Ake went to Central department store for watching a movie (I am legend). Before went to watching a movie, we has a lunch at Thasiam restaurant. This restaurant is very bad, bad service, food not delicious and high price. I feel very bad. After that, we went to watching a movie. Star was Will Smith. In this movie he was Robert Nevill, scientist and soldier. This movie about spread out of virus by air which this virus created by human and can’t treat, everybody gets virus and development to Dark seeker. Nevill was last human of survivor in New York City. Everyday, he tried to broadcast in radio wave but not contact from other survivors. Three years ago, he was hopeless for found other survivor but he not alone, he stay with dark seeker which hide in shadow dark. It keeps an eye on him and wait for he miss. He tried to way for treat from his immunity blood. He have a little time for repair it. This movie is very interesting and I will not tell the entire story because I want to you for watching. After me watching finished. I think that every effect give rise from human.

Yesterday, I and my mother went to Ram-in-tra for talk with customer who wants to buy my land. During the way, very traffic jams because today is previous Election Day for accommodate to somebody who had a business in Election Day. In normal, from my home to Ram-in-tra use a time 1 hour but today I use 2 hours. Their shows that today have many people went to previous election. We reach at customer’s home in the afternoon. We talk about price of land and method for payment and have an appointment at Department of lands for transfer ownership in the next Monday. After we talk finished, I and my mother come back to home by taxi. I feel very hungry because I woke up late and didn’t have a breakfast, I hurry to come back to my home in the morning and not have a time for break. And I have a breakfast in 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Today is not bad because we can sale my land and got a lot of benefit.