February 10, 2008


On Wednesday, I have three subjects. I felt very boring. I finished my class in the evening. This day near Birthday’s Ake so I went to Central Department Store for choose his gift. Birthday’s Ake is 15 February. I have an idea for his gift. That is watch. I have a little sum of money; I can’t buy the best watch for him. I hope that he like it. I not sure that he like it so, I have an appointment with Pound for choose. Pound is close friend of Ake. They know what is in the mind. Sometime, they do it same by didn’t tell before. I ever been to find before but I can’t decided. We find about 2 hours and finally, we can choose CYMA brand for him. I think that is quiet good and made in Switzerland, guarantee 2 years. After I bought finished, I felt relieved. I tried to choose his gift more months. Now, I did finish. After that, I bought some dress and shoes. This week is Chinese New Year so almost department stores have sale or discount. I get lottery coupon for draw lots (prize is golden neck ornament) but I miss. After that, I come back to home. I felt thank you to Pound for help me.

On Thursday, at my home have a Chinese ceremony. This day is New Year of Chinese. In the morning have the Chinese sacrificial ceremony for the ancestors and gods. We bring food (boiled pig, boiled duck, steamed chicken, steamed fish, boiled egg and rice), dessert (fruits, a basket-shaped Chinese pastry and other) and silver and gold paper (used by the Chinese in a worship) to lay down at front of photograph or Chinese joss-house. We wait until burn all joss-sticks and bring silver and gold paper to burn up (believe that burn up silver and gold paper to bring to ancestors for used at world of the dead). After that, we bring food to eat for prosperity. I like Chinese New Year very much because delicious food and pocket money from parents. This year, I didn’t get money from my mother because she told me that she get mobile phone for me. It’s expensive than pocket money.

On Saturday, I have two subjects in the afternoon until evening. I felt tried very much when study continuous. I have two week for prepare to final examination. I felt scare and very serious. I have complete 47 credits and this semester I register 23 credits. This semester is much subjects more than I ever been to register. I never have been to read the entire book before exam. I never have been to fail in exam. I have target for bachelor’s degree 4 years. I read a book from 12a.m to 3a.m. all the day. After I study finished, I will manage my family business. My mother is older and I will inherit work from her. I didn’t want to do. I have a dream for owner a small resort. I like to travel and want to rest in beautiful resort. I don’t know that I can do or not. Sure, I don’t forget to running to my dream. And what is your dream? Tell me, please.

February 3, 2008

I think...

On Friday, I not have a class. I have an appointment with Ake at my house. When Ake took me to his car, I felt surprise very much because Ake cut his hair (skin head style). He looks like meatball, palatable. After that, we went to university. Today, we not have a plan for travel. We (I, Ake, Pound and Name) have a lunch at Fai-Kiow side of university. I like these foods shop very much, delicious and not expensive. Then, Name want to went sea and tried to persuade our but Pound want to study. After that, we decided to go to Bang Sean. I like to go to sea, anywhere. I like to see blue water, blue sky, cool breeze, and seafood. I like to sea when I feel sad, happy, boring included holidays. We reach there 13.30 p.m. We bought some dessert and water at seven11. If you order some food or water at beach, maybe they add service charge (include Thai and foreigner because we are tourist). After that we rent chair for sea view and not other doing besides talk and eat. 16.30p.m., we move to Thip-Pra-Mong for dinner (I ever been to tell about this restaurant). This time, I not impressive, I think that first time is delicious more. After that, we come back to Bangkok. All the way, I sleep until reach to Bangkok. Before come back to home, we have a dessert at front of university to close our trip.

On Saturday, I have a two subject in the afternoon and evening. This day, I think that near final examination so I will try to study. After I get in classroom, I felt lazy and sleepy. One hour ago, Name persuades us for watching a movie at The Mall Department Store. I hesitate during watching a movie and study, if you are me, you will should? Sure for me, I went to watching a movie. I was watching Le Grand Chef. It’s about competition for super chef and get prize (old knife). I don’t tell about the story of movie. I don’t introduce this movie because I believe that each person are different and many idea for reason to choose. If you don’t like to eat, cooking or drama, this movie is not good for your choice. For me, family life is not similar other family. Not frequently, we dine out when I am children (about 6 years, until my father died, I never been to dine with my family). My father likes to cook and try to teach me. My mother is working woman and didn’t do housework. I like to see my father cooking. I think that food is four requisites for human when you eat delicious food, you are release the tension and happy. I like to taste new food at new restaurants or new places. I eat everything and don’t like to eat parsley, onion and beef. Every meal, I will select restaurant and food. My mother complains me always. But I don’t care, I believe that life for eat, not eat for life.

January 27, 2008


On Friday, I not have a class but I went to university for wait Ake. I reach at university 12.00 p.m. I wait him at Coffee World, I order Almond frappe, big cup. After him learn finished. We went to have a lunch at Taewe, I don’t like it. I think that very expensive and not delicious. Ake has a next class on 13 p.m. I play a game (Wii), mama cooking. It’s about cooking game. First step, we should menu. Second step, we do follow it like as slice pork, peel a potato, and cut a carrot into small pieces. It has an arrow up, down, line or something for do follow it. It’s very easy although game is come from Korea. I play this game always. After Ake learn finished, we (I, Ake, Pound, Name and Pump) went to The Mall department store for watch a movie. We bought tickets and have a free time for dinner. We ate Bar-B-Q Plaza restaurant. This restaurant have symbol is green dragon stand at front of shop.

After that, we watching a movie, Enchanted. Story about is a fairytale princess (Amy Adams) from the land of Andalasia who is thrust into the heart of New York City by an evil queen (Susan Sarandon). Before her arrival at New York City, Giselle’s wish to meet the handsome prince

of her dreams and share “true love’s kiss” comes true when Prince Edward (James Marsden) hears her lilting soprano rose in song and rushes to her side. The very next day, on her way to wedding Edward, Giselle falls under the spell (literally) of Queen Narissa (Sarandon), who will stop at nothing to keep this girl away from her throne. Gissells is banished to a place as far away from this fairytale kingdom. Coming to her aid in this strange new place, the almost-princess is befriended by a no-nonsense divorce lawyer, Robert (Dempsey), and his young daughter, Morgan (Rachel Covey). Soon after her arrival, Princess Giselle begins to change her views on life and love after meeting a handsome lawyer (Patrick Dempsey). For the lovely Giselle,
life is a fairytale literally. She has everything needed to make a perfect princess, a beautiful countenance, a pure heart, a lovely singing voice and an uncanny ability to communicate with animal-all the good things one would expect in her world of Andalasia. After that, Prince Edward, along with his servant, Nathaniel (Timothy Spall), and Giselle’s best friend and chipmunk,
Pip all arrive in New York City. Prince Edward follows her everywhere but Nathaniel obstructs him (him don’t know).When Prince Edward discovers her, Giselle feel very glad. When Prince Edward takes her to Andalasia kingdom, she feels sad and didn’t want to come back. From then on, I don’t tell to you, I want to you watching by yourself. I think that this movie is very fun, romantic and true mixed animation and real life. First time,

I didn’t want to watch it but when I watch, I feel that very excellent movie for adult and child(I mean all age).

January 20, 2008

Variety day

On Thursday, I have a one subject in the afternoon. After that, I and Ake, Puk and Fai went to Platinum (Platinum is trade centre for cloths). I came here to bought some dress for went to wedding on Sunday. I get cream dress, I like it very much but it expensive over expect. This dress made from silk cloth and price is 1,290 baht. I can bargain and paid 1,200 baht. After that, we went to food center for dinner. This day I paid a bill more 1,200 baht, very bad.

On Friday, I went to Siam Paragon with Ake, Pound and Name. We have a big meal at Burger King. I order to BBQ burger and add double pork, very delicious. I don’t eat meat because I believe in Juo-Mae-Kaun-Im (God of Chinese). It is customary that cattle born to work, don’t eat it and if you eat meat, you get very sinful. I eat pork, chicken and seafood only because I believe that there born to food. I felt fish burger delicious than pork burger. After that, we went to sing a song at blu-o (karaoke). At blu-o have many size of room, up to amount of group and you can should. Price is depending on size of room. We should size s (400baht).We were singing karaoke 1 hour. After that, we went to Lenotre (confectionery). Name told me that cake is very delicious but I think so-so. We came back to home at 21 o’clock. This day, I paid a bill more 600 baht, bad.

On Saturday, Ake and I went to Central department store for paid bill (cost for telephone and internet) and shopping. First, I bought jell for cleaning face at Dermcare clinic (90baht). Second, I bought lip-gross at Dior shop (890baht) but I use central card (discount 5%) so I paid 845baht. Third, I bought underwear at Wacoal shop (640baht) and get discount 32baht so I paid 608baht. Forth, I bought two shoes (total 1862baht). After that, we have a brunch at Hajibun Ramen. Ake like this restaurant very much. This meal Ake paid because he felt me poor, so good. You think that a time for shopping is finished and came home? I went to True shop for paid a bill (704baht). Finally, I bought hand-bag (390Baht) but I can bargain so I paid 300baht. I felt my wallet is penniless. After my wallets not have money, we went to Name’s condominium. After that we went to Ake cousin’s home for help they. Tomorrow have wedding ceremony. Ake introduce me to his relative. I can’t remember all because have a many people. I came back to my home at 21 o’clock. This day, I paid a bill more 4,000baht, very very very bad.

On Sunday, I, Ake, his mother and his father went to wedding of Tarn (relative of Ake). I wear cream dress and diamond shoes. Ake borrow necklace from his mother for me. It’s very beautiful and pretty. I have a duty for reception front of the door for sign and write to bless to bride and groom. Tonight, bride looks like really princess and very beautiful. I felt funny for reception, I don’t know guest and a little envy the bride.

January 13, 2008


I went to Pattaya after midterm finished with Ake and Sun, Pound, Puk and Name. We have a plan for stay at there 3days and 2nights. Sun has a condominium for rest on holiday at Jomtien beach (Pattaya have many zone such as South Pattaya, Jomtien beach). We reach Chonburi province in the afternoon for lunch and waiting for Name. Name stayed at Chonburi because her father works at there. Name is a little guide for this trip. She took us for seafood restaurant in Chonburi province, very delicious. After lunch finished, we went to condo for kept we bags. At condo has one bedroom, one bathroom and living room. First day, we played cards after we kept a bags finished. In the evening, we went to walking street. At walking street have many pubs the entire road but we didn’t enter. We bought K-bub (K-bub is a food made of flour and add meat or chicken and vegetables like as hamburger). After that, we went to Differ pub. This is first time for me, I felt enjoy very much. This day is birthday of Differ so we got T-shirt and doll for free. We ordered Red lable and some mixer, I drank a little. At night have a mini concert of popular singer but I came to condo before concert start because I felt tried and headache. Ake took me to condo before pup closed, he is very kind. Second day, Name awaken we in the morning for went to Koh-Laan. I felt sleepy and didn’t want to go there but I can’t. We reach at Koh-Laan on 10 o’clock by speed boat. After that we have a lunch, I felt this restaurant is not good, expensive cost, not delicious, not fresh and waiting a long time. Then we sat at seaside, I was slept. We play banana boat and Jet Ski. Koh-Laan has beautiful sea but temperature is very hot. We float with the head above the water. I can swim not well so Ake carry me all the time, look like romantic. We came back to condo in the evening. We went to dinner at Burger King, this first time for me to eat hamburger at here, I felt like it. After that we strolled in department store. We tired to found some game for night, but we can’t. We take a taxi for came back to condo again. We bought chicken grilled, Som-tum (a kind of Thai salad made of sliced green papaya, dried shrimps flavored with chili), prawn and squid roast and mat for dinner again. We ate at seaside front of condo. After that we played cards until 3.00a.m. Third day, we woke up near midday. We ordered pizza service for lunch. After that, we went to Pataya Park (Pattaya Park is hotel and mini amusement park). I played Viking and Tower shot, very funny. Then we came back to Bangkok. We reach at Bangkok in the evening. We closed our trip by went to Yaw-wa-rart for dinner. I feel this trip very fun and the next time, I hope that we will together again.

December 16, 2007

I'm Legend

Last Thursday, I have a plan for went to relative’s home and stay 2 night days for reading a book for prepare mid-term examination. I have a World civilization examination on Friday. Ake came to receive me at my home for went to his home. I was reading a book all day, very boring. I hate examine and I think that examine can’t check knowledge of each person but learn for add skill and knowledge for work. Ake manage me to reading a book while he playing game in laptop. Not fair. I read, read, sleep, ate, read, read, and read all day. I feel envy him and want to study finished.

Last Friday, I feel worry about examine. I fear that I can’t pass examine. Ake came to receive me at my relative’s home for went to university. He was glad and very charming. After I examine finished, I feel worry again because I know that I write answer not well and confuse. Now, I can’t repair it, so I must not worry about it. I and Ake went to Central department store for watching a movie (I am legend). Before went to watching a movie, we has a lunch at Thasiam restaurant. This restaurant is very bad, bad service, food not delicious and high price. I feel very bad. After that, we went to watching a movie. Star was Will Smith. In this movie he was Robert Nevill, scientist and soldier. This movie about spread out of virus by air which this virus created by human and can’t treat, everybody gets virus and development to Dark seeker. Nevill was last human of survivor in New York City. Everyday, he tried to broadcast in radio wave but not contact from other survivors. Three years ago, he was hopeless for found other survivor but he not alone, he stay with dark seeker which hide in shadow dark. It keeps an eye on him and wait for he miss. He tried to way for treat from his immunity blood. He have a little time for repair it. This movie is very interesting and I will not tell the entire story because I want to you for watching. After me watching finished. I think that every effect give rise from human.

Yesterday, I and my mother went to Ram-in-tra for talk with customer who wants to buy my land. During the way, very traffic jams because today is previous Election Day for accommodate to somebody who had a business in Election Day. In normal, from my home to Ram-in-tra use a time 1 hour but today I use 2 hours. Their shows that today have many people went to previous election. We reach at customer’s home in the afternoon. We talk about price of land and method for payment and have an appointment at Department of lands for transfer ownership in the next Monday. After we talk finished, I and my mother come back to home by taxi. I feel very hungry because I woke up late and didn’t have a breakfast, I hurry to come back to my home in the morning and not have a time for break. And I have a breakfast in 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Today is not bad because we can sale my land and got a lot of benefit.

December 9, 2007

Go go go...

Yesterday, I have 2 subjects in the afternoon and evening. Ake came to receive me at my home in the morning. We have an appointment with Pound and Name for have a lunch at Priow-Pahk near university. First time, we have a plan for went to waterfall at Nakornnayok province or amusement park at Rungsit province, I want to travel and studied too, but I didn’t do in unison. Lucky for me, today the teacher cancel all class, I feel relieved and went to there by contented. We set out on a trip in 13 p.m. and my trip have Sun add too. We (me, Ake, Pound, Name and Sun) decided to go to waterfall. We use Ake’s car only because Ake’s car use LPG Gas which saving than Bensin95. We reached at Nakornnayok province in 15 p.m. and break the journey at petrol station for bought some snacks and went to restroom. At waterfall have a little shop and restroom not well. We parked a car at front of park and walk into 500metre to waterfall. Today have many tourists because today is weekend. We paid a ticket each 20baht, fact adult 40baht and children 20baht but we are student. We bought some food for lunch at waterfall too. We started walk from front of park which have a sidewalk by the way cut through mountain. During the way around the forest, high steps. Finally we walk to there finished, we found waterfall name Sarika. We can saw top of waterfall to be a small point. We didn’t up to top of waterfall because near the evening. We walk to rock for find place for have a lunch. After we have a lunch finished, we walk to rock for take a photo. I want to walk into stream but I can’t walk into it because moss on the rock. We take a snack for feed a fish into stream, a lot of fish. In 17p.m. we leave there and reach to Bangkok in 18.20 p.m. We have a dinner at ducki suki near university again. After that we separate way for went to home. Today, I feel very fun and happy very much; I hope that I will visit there again.