February 10, 2008


On Wednesday, I have three subjects. I felt very boring. I finished my class in the evening. This day near Birthday’s Ake so I went to Central Department Store for choose his gift. Birthday’s Ake is 15 February. I have an idea for his gift. That is watch. I have a little sum of money; I can’t buy the best watch for him. I hope that he like it. I not sure that he like it so, I have an appointment with Pound for choose. Pound is close friend of Ake. They know what is in the mind. Sometime, they do it same by didn’t tell before. I ever been to find before but I can’t decided. We find about 2 hours and finally, we can choose CYMA brand for him. I think that is quiet good and made in Switzerland, guarantee 2 years. After I bought finished, I felt relieved. I tried to choose his gift more months. Now, I did finish. After that, I bought some dress and shoes. This week is Chinese New Year so almost department stores have sale or discount. I get lottery coupon for draw lots (prize is golden neck ornament) but I miss. After that, I come back to home. I felt thank you to Pound for help me.

On Thursday, at my home have a Chinese ceremony. This day is New Year of Chinese. In the morning have the Chinese sacrificial ceremony for the ancestors and gods. We bring food (boiled pig, boiled duck, steamed chicken, steamed fish, boiled egg and rice), dessert (fruits, a basket-shaped Chinese pastry and other) and silver and gold paper (used by the Chinese in a worship) to lay down at front of photograph or Chinese joss-house. We wait until burn all joss-sticks and bring silver and gold paper to burn up (believe that burn up silver and gold paper to bring to ancestors for used at world of the dead). After that, we bring food to eat for prosperity. I like Chinese New Year very much because delicious food and pocket money from parents. This year, I didn’t get money from my mother because she told me that she get mobile phone for me. It’s expensive than pocket money.

On Saturday, I have two subjects in the afternoon until evening. I felt tried very much when study continuous. I have two week for prepare to final examination. I felt scare and very serious. I have complete 47 credits and this semester I register 23 credits. This semester is much subjects more than I ever been to register. I never have been to read the entire book before exam. I never have been to fail in exam. I have target for bachelor’s degree 4 years. I read a book from 12a.m to 3a.m. all the day. After I study finished, I will manage my family business. My mother is older and I will inherit work from her. I didn’t want to do. I have a dream for owner a small resort. I like to travel and want to rest in beautiful resort. I don’t know that I can do or not. Sure, I don’t forget to running to my dream. And what is your dream? Tell me, please.

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